
AC/DC Apollo 13 Attack from Mars Austin Powers Avatar Bad Cats Banzai Run Batman Batman (Stern) Batman Forever Black Knight Black Knight 2000 Black Rose Bride of Pinbot Bumper Light Cactus Canyon Checkpoint Comet Corvette Creature from the Black Lagoon Cue Ball Wizard Cyclone Demolition Man Diner Dirty Harry Dungeons & Dragons Elvira and the Party Monsters F-14 Fan-Tas-Tic Farfalla Firepower II Fish Tales Flash Flintstones Funhouse Gilligan´s Island Gorgar Grand Lizard Guns n Roses High Speed Hook Indiana Jones Indianapolis 500 Insert Decals Iron Maiden Johnny Mnemonic Junk Yard Jurassic Park Last Action Hero Lethal Weapon 3 Lord of the Rings Medieval Madness Mirror Blade Modding Monster Bash No Fear No Good Gofers Noflix Cards Noflix LED Noflix Lightboard Noflix Mod SMD Stripe Noflix Target Light Phantom of the Opera Pinbot Pirates of the Caribbean Playboy Popeye Post Light Power Play Premium Pinball Rubbers Q-bert Revenge from Mars Ripley´s Believe it or Not Riverboat Gambler Road Show Rocky Bullwinkle Rollergames STTNG Safe Cracker Scared Stiff Sideboard Space Invaders Space Shuttle Space Station Speaker Light Star Wars Episode 1 Star Wars Trilogy Stargate Starship Troopers Strange Science Striker Xtreme Swords of Fury Tales from the Crypt Terminator 2 Terminator 3 The Addams Family The Avengers The Getaway The Shadow The Simpsons Party Pinball Theatre of Magic Time Warp Topper Translite Transporter Twilight Zone Waterworld Whirlwind White Water Wipe Out World Cup Soccer Xenon fluortector overlay playfield overlay