- Pack

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Fuse Kit for Williams, WPC® 95
All Fuses 5x20mm, 10 Pack
1x 0,315A (T) slow blow
1x 0,63A (T) slow blow
1x 2,5A (T) slow blow
1x 4A (T) slow blow
1x 5A (T) slow blow
1x 6,3A (T) slow blow
Summary: 6 x 10 Fuses = 60 Fuses
WPC-95 Pinballs:
Attack from Mars
Cactus Canyon
Cirqus Voltaire
Junk Yard
Medieval Madness
Monster Bash
NBA Fastbreak
No Good Gofers
Safe Cracker
Scared Stiff
Tales of the Arabian Nights
The Champions Pub
Ticket Tac Toe